The Iceberg
This is a WIP short film of a dystopic modern scenario narrated in an artistic way. The story revolves around a modern couple who obsessively tide their life. We find them in their kitchen where they purchase everything in unboxed plastic containers which they later collect and store to build high walls that will futher protect them from outer world...
This film started as a possiblity in 2019, when Chaos Group released Chaos Cloud for free. Back then rendering an animated short film that included fur, volumetric fog and complicated shaders was only possible throught cloud rendering.

In March 2024 we reopened this project , as soon as Chaos Vantage, announced support of Vray Fur, Volumetric fog, Vray Blend material and refraction glossiness shaders, features necessary to render the film while keeping all the aesthetic values.

Character in the film teaser have been animated using ready made motion captured clips, only to realize that in order to fully tell a story you need more control of how actors move and interact in a CG film. This is when XSENS came handy and will fortunately allow us to further develop the story of this short film.

We decided to submit the project to Chaos Group Partners in Art Grants platform, hoping for a funding that would allow us to further develop the story and finalize it in a professional way.

We conducted many experiments using noseman, our main character, in short clips rendered in Vantage, each time pushing the limits of the software's new features.